ISLAM says NO!!! to terrorism

We women feel outraged by the bad press Islam has been getting lately. Whether it has been due to the often sensationalist & biased treatment of Islam in the media or because of the deplorable violent acts carried out, WRONGLY, in the name of Islam; we felt it essential to shed light on those fundamental points that hardly make the headlines.

Islamically, terrorism is the slaughter and persecution of the Innocent. As such, it is forbidden, since it is in direct opposite of Islam, a name that is derived from the Arabic word Salam which means Peace. No other faith carries the word peace in its name. The word Muslim can be given the meaning, "One who spreads peace" as it is important for Muslims everywhere to greet each other with the word of Salamualikum! (peace be with you!)
The blessed Prophet taught: "A believer remains within the scope of their religion as long as he or she does not kill another person illegally"
Life is absolutely sacred - a gift granted by God and no one has the right to take it except our creator.


Jihad is an Arabic word that means literally a struggle. Islamically, the word stands for all forms of striving and struggle done to enjoin good and remove harm for the sake of our creator. The aim of jihad is Justice. Removing injustice in society, promote neighbourliness, provide for the homeless or even remove litter from the street can be in a state of jihad.
It also applies to a struggle within oneself, against one’s negative influences, temptations, hate, jealousy or arrogance inside oneself. The correct Jjhad therefore requires that one should posess honesty, integrity and courage. The blessed Prophet taught us that "the most difficult and biggest Jihad is the inner one".
He also said: "The best jihad is saying a word of truth in the court of tyrant ruler"


Jihad can indeed mean armed struggle since it covers all forms of striving for the benefit of our world. Islam recognizes that justice may involve a physical or even an armed struggle, when absolutely necessary (which is also the case with most civilized nations of the world). It is not, however, the norm but an exception! This is evident from the life of our blessed Prophet who engaged in jihad, a struggle between belief in one God, who loves justice against a society that worshipped false gods and engaged in many injustices like abuse of women and slaves, killing of baby girls and economic oppression to name but a few. The Prophet engaged in jihad for many years without involving any fighting but then, when homes were later looted and armies marched on civilians there was no other option for the Muslim community but to defend itself physically.
ISLAM HAS CLEAR & BINDING RULES ON WARFARE . For example, you cannot dishonor a treaty, cannot kill children or the Elderly or those without weapons, you cannot cut down trees or burn crops and only those who attack or persecute Muslims can be fought against.
The blessed Prophet came across the body of a dead woman after a battle and rebuked the Muslims saying "She wasn’t among the ones who fought!"
AS FOR SUICIDE BOMBINGS, Islam forbids any shape or form of suicide. As in Christianity it is a major sin.


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