The gem of contentment

Virtue of RiDaa
Cure for a troubled heart and a community in crisis.

In a serene courtyard of a madressah in Northern New Mexico, Abdal Hakim Murad sits down for an informal address on the topic of having peace and contentment with the decree of Allah. He reflects upon his experiences of the ummah over the years and describes how it became apparent that Muslims in modern times are neglecting this traditional virtue of riDaa. He further explains how the absence of contentment in one's life can lead to serious defects such as self-righteousness, anger and suspicion of others. The more widespread effects of such a void are lack of direction and unity at the collective level and a dented credibility on the world stage. This shrewd observation serves as a great starting point for individual revival and, on the collective level, prescribes the perspective necessary for prevailing over the tribulations facing the ummah and humanity as a whole today. Other topics discussed: Islamic theology vs. the problem of evil, contentment in the prophets' lives, the virtue of mercy, scholars as guides, strength in numbers, optimism, and the need for having a sound heart. (Duration: 1 hour, 4 min)

In a serene courtyard in Northern New Mexico, Abdal Hakim Murad sits down for an informal address on the topic of having peace and contentment with the decree of Allah. 

He reflects upon his experiences of the ummah over the years and describes how it became apparent that Muslims in modern times are neglecting this traditional virtue of riDaa. He further explains how the absence of contentment in one's life can lead to serious defects such as self-righteousness, anger and suspicion of others. 

The more widespread effects of such a void are lack of direction and unity at the collective level and a dented credibility on the world stage. This shrewd observation serves as a great starting point for individual revival and, on the collective level, it prescribes the perspective necessary for prevailing over the tribulations facing the ummah and humanity as a whole. 

Other topics discussed: Islamic theology vs. the problem of evil, contentment in the prophets' lives, the virtue of mercy, scholars as guides, strength in numbers, optimism, and the need for having a sound heart. (Duration: 1 hour, 4 min)


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(islam in greenland)
Unknown said…
Is it something requested in a contract? Or does the employee usually save up "reserve" vacation days over the years until they have time to request a break from work to make Hajj?
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